I really enjoy making promotional toys, costumes, and other marketing items. Below are images of some of my creations!

An group of Hugsby dolls is called a.... Hug! :)
SCBWI summer conference 2015: our trio took second place in the costume contest.
My SCBWIndex costume has functioning squirt action and lights.
Sparkle and Shine SCBWIndex with 100% Dow works hard so you don't have to! :)
Also pictured: Jill Bergman as Brawny paper towels and Sue Schmitt as sparkly window
My SCBWIndex costume has functioning squirt action and lights.
Sparkle and Shine SCBWIndex with 100% Dow works hard so you don't have to! :)
Also pictured: Jill Bergman as Brawny paper towels and Sue Schmitt as sparkly window
Wearing my Leaning Tower of Pisa costume
at the 2014 Summer SCBWI Conference (Night
in Old Italy theme) - I got 3rd place! There are lots
of details including 5 little people on the hat and
dress, lots and lots of columns that I serged, a flag
and bells on top, and a happy birthday wish
for Tomie de Paola.
at the 2014 Summer SCBWI Conference (Night
in Old Italy theme) - I got 3rd place! There are lots
of details including 5 little people on the hat and
dress, lots and lots of columns that I serged, a flag
and bells on top, and a happy birthday wish
for Tomie de Paola.
RMC-SCBWI Promotional
Chair: a tree, with Mela in red, and a vole home
underground ("underchair," that is).
Chair: a tree, with Mela in red, and a vole home
underground ("underchair," that is).
A dragon head I made a long while ago!